Thank you again to everyone who's stopping by! I'm glad people are starting to use the guestbook (even if most of them are my friends xD)! I've set up a 1999 Dell XPS T500 desktop with Windows 98 which is what I'm writing and coding from now. More updates should come soon. Currently working on building a database of Internet Radio stations that can be streamed on 9x with Winamp and whatnot (I think there are NT and Win3 programs as well). Keep an eye out for that. Happy new year!
1000 views already (well almost at the time of writing this). Wow. Thanks yall. I'll be working on this for the next couple weeks, but I've got a serious retro PC project to work on over the holidays so development may come to a standstill for a while again. I'm back to work on this thing for the time being though, and I'll post about the new PC soon. I got some mysterious software that isn't on archive.org so keep an eye out for that on the Library page soon (I gotta get the project PC running so I can copy the files off it)
Oh my goodness gracious. I never expected this. A week ago I was at less than 300 viewers, and two weeks ago 110. Now I'm at 540 and counting (although my new counter might be a little generous, lol. I've noticed it duplicate my own views a couple times, but anyways that's something to fix later). Wow. I really got no words. I absolutely can't wait to start getting stuff put into production here. I'm working as hard as school and work will allow rn. This is so motivating yall dont even know. Thank you to every last one of yall who are out there just poking around the little back corners of the web and looking to get some genuine value outta it. I appreciate yall immensely. <3
I'm swamped with school right now. I put this site into production thinking I could get it done faster than I really could, and so here we are, me and my bum ass announcements page. It aint lazy, I'm just really leaning into the early internet vibe I promise
I'll probably get this finished up (and get the homepage decluttered sorry bout the sensory assault lol) by winter break. I made too much cool stuff on this website and now I aint even got the two main features, Free Space and the Library, done. Now suddenly I got people all up in my guestbook and I got 300 visitors (thank you keep surfing the webrings yall) so I feel a responsibility for getting the important stuff out there.
Hopefully I can deliver some really compelling stuff to yall soon. Btw, if you wanna support me, making use of the guestbook helps out immensely. I really appreciate getting to know who's seeing my site and how yall feel about it. I'll probably add something that allows for feedback or some interaction in the future. If you have any feedback or wanna say hi you can email me at elijah@cadrega.dev :)